24 Hr bandh comes into force, CKDLBR urges security deployment
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, May 21 2015 :
Apart from calling a 24 hour State-wide general strike with effect from May 22 midnight, the Committee for Koziirii-Dzuko Land Boundary Resolution (CKDLBR) has urged the Government of Manipur to deploy security forces in Dzuko valley urgently.
Speaking to media persons at Manipur Press Club here today, CKDLBR spokesman N Rajendro said that they were prepared to launch different forms of intense agitation as the State Government has refused to take up any action despite several appeals and reminders from different organisations regarding the incursion by people of Nagaland into Manipur at Dzuko Valley.
The State Government's total indifference to the issue of incursion and diversion of river course implies that all the 60 incumbent MLAs are not fit enough to be people's representatives.
Construction of road within Manipur's territory at the initiative of Nagaland Government has been completed for 15 Kms.
But the Government of Manipur has so far not shown any concern.
It appears that the incumbent Government would not raise a single word of objection even if the Nagaland Government takes over the whole territory of Manipur, Rajendro asserted.
People of Mao went to Dzuko Valley in October last year and submitted a report to the Government.
Subsequently, the Senapati DC wrote a letter to the Chief Secretary seeking immediate attention of the Government towards the incursion from across the border.
But much to the disappointment of all the people, the Government of Manipur acted as if it is mute, blind and lame.
The Government of Manipur should be held accountable for any untoward incident that breaks out in the course of mass agitation against incursion into the territory of Manipur by Nagaland.
Every time there were disputes or confrontation on inter-State or international boundaries, the Chief Minister as well as the Deputy Chief Minister seemed content in throwing the ball to the court of the Government of India which was nothing but shirking responsibility, Rajendro said.
Earlier when an SDO went to collect field report about the incursion, the SDO had a hard time trying the reach the road construction site as the Government of Nagaland had deployed a good number of well armed security personnel.
The Government of Manipur too should deploy adequate number of State armed forces at Dzuko Valley.
In case the State Government fails to take up necessary measures in order to check construction of road, diversion of river course and any form of intrusion into the territory of Manipur by Nagaland Government and its people, indefinite economic blockade would be imposed along Imphal-Dimapur highway from June 1, the spokesman said.
Nagaland Government and its people encroached into Manipur several times and in some cases they had permanently occupied certain areas of Manipur.
They have been emboldened by Manipur Government's insensitivity coupled with timidity.
Even if the Government of Manipur chooses to keep mum, people of Manipur would not tolerate any further incursion, he added.
Meanwhile, AMUCO and UCM have appealed to all the people of Manipur to support the 24 hour general strike called by the Committee for Koziirii-Dzuko Land Boundary Resolution from May 22 midnight.
There is an imminent fear of losing around 100 Sq Kms of Manipur's territory to Nagaland but the Government of Manipur is still unable to grasp the gravity of the situation, said a press release issued by UCM IPR secretary Leisemba Lamabam.
The All Manipur Bar Association (AMBA) has also pledged moral support to the 24 hour general strike called against incursion and construction of road by a Nagaland based organisation in Dzuko Valley.
Speaking to media persons at Cheirap Court complex today, AMBA president Khaidem Mani said that incursion and laying claims over Dzuko Valley by Nagaland and its people are a serious threat to the territorial integrity of Manipur.
AMBA never supports any form of bandh or blockade.
But this one is peculiar for it concerns the territorial integrity of Manipur.
The State Government's sheer indifference and lackadaisical attitude to such a sensitive issue is a tragedy for all the people of Manipur, Mani lamented.
In support of the general strike, AMBA's election scheduled on May 23 has been postponed to May 25, he added.
To a query, Advocate Mani maintained that election code of conduct cannot restrain the State Government from taking up necessary measures to save the State's territory and boundary He said that a PIL may be filed in connection with the boundary issue, if necessary.