CM inaugurates central poultry farm at khumbong
Source: IT News
Imphal, November 17 2016:
Chief Minister Shri Okram Ibobi Singh said that how to give employment to the educated unemployed youths of the State has been a headache to the government and if this government comes to power again in the ensuing assembly election, then to give employment to the unemployed youths will be assigned the top priority.
This was stated by the Chief Minister while speaking as the Chief Guest at the inaugural function of the Central Poultry Farm at Khumbong, Imphal West District under the Department of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry, Govt.of Manipur today.
Shri O.Ibobi said that the government considers the problem of unemployment in the state seriously and as it is impossible to give government jobs to all, the government emphasizes on the development of entrepreneurship.
To this end, the state cabinet has recently taken a decision to adopt Manipur Start up Policy, he continued.
So far, it is heard that this type of policy is being newly adopted in some states of India like Kerala, Gujarat, Karnataka and West Bengal, he added.
Under the policy our skilled and innovative unemployed youths who do not have enough money to start his small industry will be given support to enable him to start industry.
Saying that Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Department will be incorporated under the policy as the Department can give gainful employment to the unemployed youths more particularly in the rural areas with the investment of less capital money, he stressed on the need of taking up of many short term training programmes in poultry farming and other areas for the unemployed youths by the department.
He also mentioned that if we give more thrust to this sector not only employment generation but also it would reduce the import of the poultry products in the state which is impacting on our economy.
He was hopeful that the Central Poultry Farm would be a centre for providing employment to the unemployed youths.
Speaking as the president of the function, Deputy Chief Minister Shri Gaikhangam expressed his happiness on the increase of the activities of the Veterinary & Animal Husbandry.
He said, the present government has taken up steps to revamp many departments of Manipur Government so as to give the benefits of the departments to the people and many mega projects like Thoubal Project, Dolaithabi Project which had been lying forgotten for the last many years are now almost completed and being awaited for inauguration.
He appealed to all to give cooperation to the government and also to inculcate the sense of belongingness and sense of participation to preserve and protect whatever infrastructure the government has built for the benefit of the people.
& Animal Husbandry/Commerce & Industries Minister Govindas Konthoujam, MLA K.Sarat Singh, Principal Secy(Vety & AH) L.Lakher and director Vety & AH dr..NRajendro Singh were the Guests of Honour of the function.