FA recognises integration of Naga territories : Rh Raising
Source: The Sangai Express / Newmai News Network
Dimapur, October 08 2017:
Rh Raising, Convenor of Steering Committee which is the highest decision making body of NSCN-IM, has said that the “Framework Agreement recognizes the sovereign right of the Nagas and integration of all Naga territories is the legitimate right of the Nagas” .
Rh Raising said this while speaking at the "Joint Council Meeting on Indian and Burmese Colonialism" on October 6, said NSCM-IM .
The speech of Rh Raising was made available to media houses this evening by the NSCN-IM's Ministry of Information and Publicity (MIP) .
According to Rh Raising, the Framework Agreement “has recognized the unique identity” and the history of the Nagas.
“It has also recognized the territory of the Nagas by stating that Nagas are the owner of their land.
It is also mutually agreed upon that integration of all Naga territories is the legitimate right of the Nagas.
For bringing an honorable and acceptable solution to both parties, co-existence of the two entities and shared sovereignty of the two entities are mutually agreed,” Rh Raising said .
"We can assure you that the 'Framework Agreement' will be our political wall that protects our land, our identity, our rights, our culture, our history and our future from all impending dangers of hostile raging waves roaring against the Nagas on the one hand and it will also be a strong durable bridge between India and Nagalim on the other," the Rh Raising said in the speech .
"Nagas will decide their future by themselves, not by others anymore.
Hebron will be the Centre of Naga politics, Government, culture, civilization and the seat of their high command", the NSCN-IM leader's speech added .
"Now with the end of the era of confrontation and negotiation, this Framework Agreement has opened up a new era for the Nagas.
We are now setting our foot at the stage of building our world," Rh Raising added .
According to the Convenor of the Steering Committee, the era of building the infrastructure of a social system for creation of a positive social environment, scientific education system for production of generations of scientists in different fields, material and spiritual developments of the land and people, building industries for massive productions, marketing, trade and commerce for generation of revenues and others for making "our country a land of peace and progress and a society of higher order has come .
"It is now the time of building the damaged psychology of our people; it is the time of building relationship with our neighbors; it is the time of reconciliation with India; it is the time to go to the house of the Lord and praise and worship the Creator of Nagalim," Rh Raising added .
According to Rh Raising, the forces of colonialism are rampant everywhere in Nagalim.
"They are � the Muslim immigrants from Bangladesh, the Nepalese from Nepal, the Kukis from Burmese Chin State, the Chakmas from Chittagong Hills, Bangladesh, tea gardeners from Bihar and Odisha and various business communities from Indian sub-continent.
If we do not take strong political and legal steps to check them today, our children will face insurmountable problem from them tomorrow," the NSCN-IM leader added .
According to the NSCN-IM leader, "Indianization of Nagalim through import voters" from Indian mainland by the Naga politicians is a matter to be viewed seriously.
He added that "status and money-monger politicians don't care for the future of their people" .
Colonization of a country through immigrants and refugees is not a new thing.
One of the strategies of the immigrants is to legalize their stay through marriage of convenience.
Hundreds of Naga women have fallen into the pits of this kind of deception.
Conversion to Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam for political reason is another hostile force working in Nagalim to be combated, Rh Raising added .
The NSCN (IM) said that "arbitrary creation of puppet States and Governments" is one of the main policies the colonial powers pursue for subduing the weaker peoples and Nations.
Planting a State with its machineries to control people is the most effective instrument of the colonial power .
"To cite a few examples- the so-called Nagaland State in India and the Naga self-rule Government in Burma embracing only a small chunk of Naga territories and few populations are pure acts of colonialism", Rh Raising stated .
Rh Raising also said that "colonization of Nagalim" through Indian political parties is another established policy of the Government of India.
"The Nagas of Congress party, BJP party or other parties are consciously or unconsciously the agents of Indian colonial policy.
Hypnotized or drunk with the deception of tempting political bait of the enemies they become advocates for the wrong cause of the aggressors.
It is so because all Indian political parties are Delhi oriented which always stands diametrically opposed to the concept of Naga Nation," he added .
According to Rh Raising, every Naga has come to know that the so-called 16-point agreement can never save the future of the Nagas.
The Shillong Accord is but another face of the same coin of Indian Constitution.
It must be understood by all that our future is not in the Indian Constitution, he added.
"Then, where is the accord or agreement that can save the future of the Nagas?" Rh Raising asked .
The NSCN-IM leader then said that the Nagas are "desperately" in need of an agreement with the Government of India and Burma that can save their future .
"After prolonged negotiations with the Government of India, the historic Framework Agreement was signed in 2015 between Government of India and NSCN as two entities.
We hope all the rational Nagas understand the reality that the Nagas are now placed in a safe and secure position by the Framework Agreement," the Convenor of the highest decision making body of NSCN-IM added.