Women group shouts slogan for protection of Manipur in front of Ministers' quarters
Source: IT News
Imphal, August 07 2018:
Large number of womenfolk belonging to various civil society organisations continues protest in front of Ministers quarters.
The United Committee Manipur (UCM), All Manipur United Club Organisation (AMUCO) and the Committee of Civil Society Kangleipak (CCSK) have been opposing any form of division among the people or land of the state while solving the issues of NSCN-IM.
The recent report submitted to both the Parliament which suggest extension of the Article 371(A) to some part of the state of Manipur or granting of Sixth Schedule as special status had irked the Civil Society organisations of the state prompting them to launch agitation urging the government to convene a special state assembly session to adopt a resolution for protection of the state.
Large number of womenfolk today storm to the residence of Deputy Chief Minister Y Joykumar, Works Minister Th, Bishwajit and Forest Minister Th.Shyamkumar and submitted memorandum urging the demand for a consensus resolution for protection of Manipur's Integrity.
While coming to Works Minister Bishwajit Quarter, the women group were stopped at the entry of the Officers Colony at Sanjenthong and allowed only some few selected to submit the memorandum.
A leader of Kanglei Ima Lup, (KIL), RK Sanahanbi while talking to media said that they have come to urge the Deputy Chief Minister and other Minister to convene an emergency assembly session to discuss about the issues arising out of the Frame Work Agreement between the government of India and the NSCN-IM.
"We come to submit memorandum urging the Ministers and all the 60 members of the state assembly to take a unanimous resolution for protection of Manipur", RK Sanahanbi said.
She said that the MLAs and Ministers should be ready to resign if anything like extension of the article 371 A has been extended to the state of Manipur.
The Women group also shouted slogan for protection of the state in front of the three Ministers quarters.