Sit-in protest
Source: Hueiyen News Service

Imphal, February 03 2010: Womenfolk of Khurai area today staged a sit-in protest under the aegis of the JAC formed in connection with the murder of RK Ratanmala at the premise of the WHCCI Club, Khurai Chingangbam Leikai.

The protest is staged to express dissatisfaction over the merciless murder of RK Ratanmala and pressing the state authority to find out all the culprits involved in the murder at the earliest and award befitting punishment to them.

She further expressed suspicion that Soibam Dhanabir who surrendered to the police might have not committed the crime alone.

"We doubt of a gang behind the murder".

The sit-in protest will be staged everyday till demands of the JAC are fulfilled by the state government, she added.