Mortal remains of Deepak Kumar flown to Delhi
Source: Hueiyen News Service

Imphal, March 24 2009: The mortal remains of Deepak Kumar Gupta, who was shot dead in broad daylight yesterday inside his shop located at the fortified Thangal bazar, was flown to Delhi on Tuesday after an autopsy was conducted at the Regional Institute of Medical Science (RIMS).

Various non-Manipuri shop owners and shop keepers of Khwairamband bazar have vented that the place becomes insecure for them to run a business as their lives could not be protected.

They said that armed groups have got hold of most of theprofit they have made in running a business.

But now they are unable to meet the demands and their businesses have drop down.

Some businessmen have also left the place on earlier occasions.

A relative of Deepak Kumar said that the news of the death of Deepak has not been broken to his wife Poonam till now.

She has been told that her husband is flown to Delhi for treatment at Delhi.

The wife of Deepak was however aviated in a Jet Airways flight this evening on the pretext of attending her 'hospitalised' husband.

Mention may be made that proprietor of the Janta Radio Sales and Services, Deepak Gupta (38) son of Shyamsundor located opposite to Hotel Anand, Thangal Bazar was shot at point-blank inside his shop by three gunmen suspected to be militants in the broad day light at around 3 pm.

Protesting the killing, shop owners and keepers of Thangal bazar downed their shutters and educational institutions within the vicinity have also called off normal routine.

Non-Manipuris will also hold a meeting tomorrow to discuss the future action and later they will submit a representation to the Governor Gurbachan Jagat.

The local MLA, Radhabinod Koijam, who joined the people in sharing their grief said that the government has miserably failed to protect the lives of the people while adding that there is no law and order while saying that a person was killed in briad daylight inside his own shop.

He also said that shops in Khwairamband bazar were looted during curfew hours, which the government imposed for the return of normalcy.

He said these things happened due to the government's failure to maintain law and order.