Naga Forum laments over killings
Give reconciliation a chance: Naga Forum

Source: Hueiyen News Service / Newmai News Network

Kohima, October 26 2008: PERTURBED OVER the resurging factional killings even after the historic 'reconciliation football matches', the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) has implored upon the leaders of the Naga underground organisations to give reconciliation a chance.

FNR said that Naga underground groups exercising restraint is not a sign of weakness, but rather of strength.

The appeal came in the backdrop of yesterday's killing of a NSCN-K cadre at Phaibijang village in Dimapur.

The Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) reportedly met in Kohima and expressed deep concern over the factional killings.

"Despite repeated appeals by the Naga people to leaders of the 'Naga political groups' (underground factions), the FNR is disheartened that violence still persists although the Naga underground groups have all expressed their sincere commitment and willingness to the Naga reconciliation process", the forum lamented.

"The Forum for Naga Reconciliation is of the belief that the continuing confrontation and violence contravenes the spirit of the theme 'A Covenant of Common Hope' and such violence will only result in further divisions among the Nagas thereby weakening the already fragile situation" the FNR said.

The forum also pleaded for wisdom and foresight and has implored the leaders of the Naga groups to give reconciliation a chance.

"It has been the desire of the Naga people to end all bloodshed among Nagas, to address differences through dialogue and to be united in our common pursuit for freedom; and hence the Forum for Naga Reconciliation urges the Naga leaders to respond to their peoples cry for reconciliation and to implement in spirit 'A Covenant of Common Hope'" the FNR said.