Protest staged against bomb attack
Source: The Sangai Express

Imphal, May 14 2009: In protest against the yesterday afternoon bomb attack at the Soibam Leikai Old Checkon residence of PDA Secretary M Gojendro which left his mother and sister-in-law wounded, a Wakat Meepham was staged at Soibam Leikai Old Checkon today.

The protest demonstration was organised jointly by Nupi Seva Marup Soibam Leikai Wangkhei Khunou and Citizen's Club.

Placards with slogans like 'What objective is going to attend from bomb attack ?', 'We strongly condemn in human act', 'We oppose bomb attack in inhabited area', etc were used during the demonstation.

In the said bomb attack, mother of Gojendra identified as Ketuki Devi (82) and his sister-in-law identified as Sanatombi sustained injuries.

They were rushed to the JN Hospital at Porompat but have been referred to Shija Hospital today.