UKRA condemns killing
Source: The Sangai Express

Imphal, November 29 2009: Armed group UKRA has condemned the killing of former Thajong village chief Rejamkhup Kom alias Akhup Kom on the night of November 25.A press release issued by its senior information and publicity secretary Stephen Bellbard Kom termed the killing of the former chief in front his family members as an act of cowardice.

Stephen Bellbard also asked the involved group why they are not able to openly clarify regarding the inhuman killing.

Saying that Komrem people are not communal and take every member of all communities as their brothers and sisters, Spephen Bellbard also questioned why an innocent person like Rejamkhup was murdered in a brutal way.

Quoting its Commander in Chief KT Kom, the press release urged upon all the organisations to shun killing of innocent people in order to gain support of the masses.

No group can achieve its goal by killing civilians, added the press release.

It exhorted to bring communal harmony which was maintained during the time of forefathers.

Announcing that KNO/UKRA have started investigation into the incident from the day of the killing itself, Stephen Bellbard said that UKRA would put forward the matter in the next JMG meeting even though the involved group is not a SoO signatory.

He further said that needful action would be initiated to take action against the involved group by KNO/UKRA, State and Central Governments.

Urging upon all UG groups not to collect taxes in Komrem villages, Stephen Bellbard said that UKRA would put forward the matter of making Komrem villages as their operational area in the next JMG meeting.

Stephen Bellbard also urged upon the State Government to bring a solution with the JAC constituted against the killing.