Sit-in-protest staged against attacks
Source: The Sangai Express

Imphal, March 29 2009: Separate sit-in-protests were staged in protest against the grenade attacks on the residences of Education Minister L Jayentakumar and Dr Chingtham Bilashini today.

Meira paibis of Keishamthong A/C staged the protest at Pishumthong Bazar with the closure of shops.

The agitators held placards that read, Let us stop terrorists act, Do not make common man a scapegoat, Let us talk openly.

Locals of Thangmeiband Hijam Leikai also staged sit-in-protest at their locality in protest against last night's grenade attack on the residence of Dr Chingtham Bilashini.

Bilashini's husband, Dr Chingtham Chandramani said that a monetary demand of Rs 2 lakhs was made to his family by armed outfit KLA on March 26 last.